Chase This, not That

7 meditations for 2021.

“This” will bring you extraordinary experiences and lasting legacies. “That” will give you short-lived thrills and leave you feeling hollow.

1. Chase knowledge, not money. The road to prosperity is not paved with payouts but with smarts and skills.

2. Chase courage, not approval. The road to happiness is not paved with flattery but with self-confidence.

3. Chase compassion, not heroism. The road to greatness is not paved with fame but with wrestle against injustice to others.

4. Chase mythology, not superstition. The road to awe-and-wonder is not paved with manipulation but with creative awakening.

5. Chase memory, not might. The road to healing is not paved with being right but being mindful.

6. Chase that which is profound, not pleasing. The road to discovery is not paved with pleasure but with touching God.

7. Chase presence, not perfection. The road to accomplishment is not paved with chest-thumping but with showing up.

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